I've since realized that the problem is the document i'm feeding the JTextPane. If i treat it as plain text, the JTextPane displays it, If i feed it styledtext it blocks.
I'm posting my document generating code in hope that someone has a solution
The callback receives a styledocument that is populated as the html parser reads tags. Trying to read a larger file and displaying it as styled text blocks jtextPane and JEditorPane.
if i replace
doc.insertString(end, new
String(text), memory);
doc.insertString(end, new String(text), null);
and erase
in handleText(char[] text, int position) it displays the text indicating that it is the styled text that is making the jTextPane block.
[ February 11, 2006: Message edited by: Paulo Faria ]
[ February 11, 2006: Message edited by: Paulo Faria ]