Hi All I am doing an application in which i need to scale a jpanel along with its components....for example, if i am having a jpanel of size 600x600 ,with some txtbox and buttons in it, and if i want to scale it to 300x300 with all its components visible,what shoud i do.....i heared it can be done using affine transform and i have no idea of how to use it.So please help me with some sample codes....
Affine transformations is something you use with graphics, not with components. You can change the size of components through their setMinimumSize/setPreferredSize/setMaximumSize methods. Of course, if there are any labels or other components that use fonts, then you will need to adjust the font size explicitly.
I think you're thinking about something like making a subclass of JPanel - and inside the paint() method, have a BufferedImage that you call super.paint() on (to paint the "normal" image of the JPanel), then scale the image, and paint that on the JPanel. This would only work for the "visual" part of components, but would mess up any "interactive" parts - i.e. the button would "look" bigger, but you would still need to click where it "really" was in it's smaller size to click it.
Write once, run anywhere, because there's nowhere to hide! - /. A.C.
Hi Nathan, You are right.I just want to see the JPanel along with all its components into a thumbnail view i.e,a scaled instance of that jpanel, and i dont want any component within that thumbnail view to perform any action like button click,etc.For example, if i am having a frame with two Jpanels , one containing several components in it and is of size 500x500,and other jpanel is empty and is of size 300x300.On clicking a button, i just want to show a thumbnail view of the first jpanel(that is ,the one containg components)in the second Jpanel.The thumbnail view may be 100x100.Please help me to do that with a sample code.
Your source Code Work perfectly in my application, i am very happy same time Thanks to you again. same time i want some another help plz ,i want the import PPT file in my java swing application,i seen the your previous reply POI webpage but i canot come to clear idea.i try to convert PPT file to (.sxi) and UNziped that i got One XML file but i canot modify it my applicaton. Plz if give any simple source code ....
Thanks in Advance. Arjun
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