Hi. I'm looking for a way that I can create a menu button that has an optional drop-down arrow. Clicking the button switches the mode of my application to a "drawing" mode, where you can draw several different types of lines. If they just click the button, it should use the default drawing tool, but if they click the drop-down arrow they should see a list of available drawing tools (this is similar to MS Outlook where you can click the "New" button to create a new mail message or click the drop-down arrow to see what new items you can create). The key is that this needs to be a single button object such that mouse-overing, borders, etc don't make it appear as multiple buttons.
it should be just a matter of adding a thin BasicArrowButton alongside a normal button, with the BasicArrowButton displaying a popup, as in a JComboBox
The problem with doing it that way is that I lose the mouse over effect. I can mouse over the button and combo box as two separate components, where I'm trying to treat them as a single component for mousing over purposes.
Can I ask if you wrote this code Yes, I wrote it. or if it is copyrighted No, not that I know of. or where you got it from? I made it up after reading your original post today. You can do whatever you like with it.
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