-Sam Codean<br />SCJP 1.4 (98%)<br />SCJD 5.0 (87.5%)
Originally posted by Sam Codean:
Where are you setting the editor component ?? I see that you are only setting a JTextPane as the Cell Renderer and not the Cell Editor. Both are different.
Originally posted by Richard West:
I tried writing and using the below code by extending the DefaultCellEditor class and uisng it but it only got worse as now if i apply the font to the selected text in the cell all the text dissapears
Here is the code of the class theat extends the default cell editor class
Censorship is the younger of two shameful sisters, the older one bears the name inquisition.
-- Johann Nepomuk Nestroy
Originally posted by Peter Taucher:
Head over to:
It's under GNU General Public License and seems to run very well.
Censorship is the younger of two shameful sisters, the older one bears the name inquisition.
-- Johann Nepomuk Nestroy
Lasagna is spaghetti flvored cake. Just like this tiny ad:
Smokeless wood heat with a rocket mass heater