Originally posted by argol diomolpol:
i try to insert text from one text pane to secone with style
My problems
- after i insert image text style change to normal
- i finde solution to switch off line wrap but i don't know how
go to next line whene i am a the end of textpane i can't switch on
auto line wrap in JTextPane becouse it do strange things withe style text
Originally posted by argol diomolpol:
but now i have problem with inserting to icons in a row
Originally posted by argol diomolpol:
whene i try insert 2 or more icons in a row caret stay in positon after first icon
I can insert 2 or more icons only whene i change style after previous
icon(change style)icon etc..
Whene i try to insert icon by textPane.insertIcon(icon) it is no problem
with inserting icons in a row but it change style of text to regural
and don't know how change it to previous style
Originally posted by argol diomolpol:
but it loses styles
for exmaple i have bold after i insert icone it's change to regural
i have one more question it is possible to add Style to AttributeSet
becouse i need to send AttributeSet in byte array or string over network i
i try somthing like that but the size of byte array was to big from 13KB-300KB(if was a lot of styles in text)
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