I need to make a window modal or appear to be modal. I know that the component to use for modal behavior is a Dialog. I have a framework that I inherited and it will produce a window. the problem is that users can click off of the window which produces a bad user experience. The framework cannnot be changed easily to produce a Dialog instead of Window Does anyone have a suggestion?
Is there a reliable way to get the parent from the window I am tryin to make "modal". My app stores it away and then retrieves it, but I would be happier if my window knew its parent and I could ask it. Is this hows it is done? Also, is there a WindopwAdpater class so I do not have to implement all of the WindowListener methods myself?
if you create the window using the 'owner' constructor ((Frame)window.getParent()).setEnabled(false);
> is there a WindopwAdpater class... Yes, but it's not really a question you should be putting to a forum 1) the apidocs are easy to consult 2) your IDE, type in WindowAdapter - does the color change to indicate a keyword?
Thanks. I did find the WindowAdapter in the API docs. It turns out that I cannot use the WindowListener. The window that I am working with is not closed by my framework but disposed of in a thread. I will figure out something
Thanks again :-)
what if we put solar panels on top of the semi truck trailer? That could power this tiny ad: