Hi guys,
I am facing some problem here from last two days, and not getting a way to solve it properly.
Problem Description:
I have a file which contains thousands of records, i want to show all those records in JTable, caching them all is a bad thing, since i could run in to OutOfMemory issue. so i thought of using pagination (did it successfully though) but the pagination with next and previous button is not a very user-friendly approach, so i thought of changing the vertical scroll bar behaviour to reflect pagination internally.
User will be given an illusion that Table contains all thousands of records but in reality only those records will be kept in memory which is visible to user. On slidding the Vertical scroll Bar knob up and down will eventually controll the fetching of records from file.
I have created a sample program for it, but i am not able to get it working properly, Any help on this , would be highly appreciated.
Files i have written is as follows:
1. OneLinerFileWriter.java (for
testing purpose)
2. OneLinerFileReader.java (for testing purpose)
3. CustomTableModel.java
4. TableFrame.java
Here are the codes for the same:
Can someone please guide me through this?