I am deploying Eclipse based application with
Java Web Start. By default the installation of my application is doing in "C:" drive because I created the jnlp file as below
<property name="osgi.instance.area" value="C:/MyApplication/org.eclipse.osgi/bundles"/>
<property name="osgi.configuration.area" value="C:/MyApplication"/>
<property name="eclipse.product" value="My.product"/>
<property name="osgi.sharedConfiguration.area" value="C:/MyApplication"/>
But I need to allow the users to choose the location where they would like to install / deploy the application.
Please let me know a) how to get "Browse for folder" button.
b) I need to create a dynamic jnlp file based on the user's information. Whether "C:" or "D:" drive.
Any information on this is highly helpful for me.