I want JFrame in normal state(not minimized) at the top of all windows.
So you want a modal window, being on top of all other windows in your application? And it should not be minimizable?
Then perhaps you need a JDialog instead of a JFrame. If you initialize the dialog with the parent frame, an optional title and "true" to indicate it should be modal, then your application will not allow any input until this dialog is closed.
As for how to get the parent frame, the following code works for all components, including Applet (and JApplet):
For Applets (and JApplets), this returns some Sun internal class that denotes the frame used inside the browser.
Actually, the above code can be more generic:
If you call this as "getParent(c, Frame.class)" you can also get the parent frame, but it can be used to get the parent of any class you want.