Originally posted by Prithiraj Sen Gupta:
I am a new programmer . . . I would like to know how a developer or expert like you knows what comes after what. e.g In the above codes you have typed .getDocument after ((AbstracDocument))jta . . .
Originally posted by Prithiraj Sen Gupta:
I would like to know how a developer or expert like you knows what comes after what. e.g In the above codes you have typed .getDocument after ((AbstracDocument))jta and then set the Document filter by assigning .setDocument to it. Following that you have built a new class which extends DocumentFilter. How do you know all this?
And then you have overriden the insertString() and replace() methods. And the thing which has taken my attention mostly is that How do you Know that DocumentFilter class already has these methods which need to override?
Originally posted by Prithiraj Sen Gupta:
[QB]When I call the NonNumericFilter/NumericFilter and then set the document filter The above declaration need static keyword. So I have to go to the files(.java) stored in my project folder and have to change the self generated declaration by inserting "static" keyword. Why the declarations for control need static Keyword for setting DocumentFilter? Is there a wayout so that I dont have to get inside these folders and change the self generated codes inside .java files.
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