Genuitec today announced the immediate availability of MyEclipse Enterprise
Workbench 5.5 M2. This second milestone release showcases simplified
enterprise and Ajax development in addition to providing support for many of
the enhancements of
Java EE 5. Please read the <a <br /> <br /> href="<br /> <br /> 97.html">release notes and <a <br /> <br /> href="">New
and Noteworthy documents for further details prior to download.
Download MyEclipse 5.5 M2 now! In
addition to Java EE 5 support, the second milestone release will include
continued support for the popular <a <br /> <br /> href="<br /> <br /> 103.html">MyEclipse SNAPs (Simple Non-integrated APplications), which
allow for workspace-free file manipulation. Continuing to bridge gaps between
disparate workspaces, <a href="<br / rel="nofollow"> <br /> display-ceid-103.html">"Use-Anywhere" connectors are provided so users of
NetBeans, IntelliJ IDEA and Visual Studio platforms can utilize MyEclipse
SNAPs (including a Visual Web Designer/HTML Editor [now supporting .php and
.asp files], XML Editor, Database tools and Java Image Editor [with screen
capture ability]) directly within their own environments. The SNAPs are free
as part of the MyEclipse distribution, but are only available for the Windows
The following is a sampling of the new/updated features in
MyEclipse 5.5 M2:
- Platform support
- Microsoft Vista support
- Eclipse 3.2.2 compatible
- Upgraded MyEclipse-WebTools, an enhanced and professionally supported
version of Eclipse WTP 1.5.3 with many MyEclipse improvements and bug fixes
- SNAPs Non-Eclipse Integration and Improvements
- Java EE 5 Projects
- Create Java EE 5 Web, EJB and Enterprise (EAR) projects with
integrated library support
- EJB Projects include persistence.xml generation and synchronization
- Much more
- EJB3 - Enterprise Java Beans
- Create Stateless, Stateful, Entity and Message enterprise beans
- Wizards for creating all
- Code-assist and validation of Java annotations
- Reverse-engineer Stateless Session Bean facades from MyEclipse Datatbase
- MyEclipse Java Persistence Tools (including JPA, Toplink, Hibernate)
- Add JPA Capabilities to any Java project
- Integrates with MyEclipse Database Explorer for database connections and
metadata access
- Persistence perspective
- Much more
- Visual JSF Page Designer
- All new JSF Visual Page Designer for WYSIWYG editing of advanced JSF
- Supports Drag-and-Drop style editing of all standard JSF components
- Preview mode of JSF design page
- JSF and faces.config creation wizards
- Much more
- Matisse4MyEclipse Swing Visual Designer upgrades
- MyUML improvements
- Improved internationalization
- New Application Server Connectors (Geronimo 2, Oracle 10, Weblogic 10)
- All-in-One Installer reduced download volume by 50%
- Much more!
The following URL provides additional details about
MyEclipse 5.5 M2: