If you want to
test whether your
java mail enabled program works or not, then follow these steps.
1) Download the javamail api from
www.javasoft.com/products/javamail website.
2) Download the java activation frame work from
www.javasoft.com/products website.
3) edit ur autoexec.bat file and set classpath as follows:
set classpath=.;c:\javamail-1.1.3\mail.jar;c:\javamail-1.1.3\pop3.jar;c:\jaf-1.0.3\activation.jar;
Now compile the program and run the program.
JavaMail api is a platform independent and you can run it on posix compliant or windows compliant. It can run on javawebserver and as well as also apache. What u have to do is set the classpath in ur autoexec.bat (if ur using windows platform) or .profile(if ur using unix platform)
If you want some examples, go to javamail directory and in that you can find demo subdirectory and there u can find some very interesting examples.
I hope this info may find useful to you.
[This message has been edited by lokesh reddy (edited November 13, 2000).]