Im planting HTML in out.println() for example ...
out.println(" <td height=\"42\"><font color=\"#FFFFFF\" size=\"2\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Search RFCs by any term in the description\" border=\"0\"></font></td>");
.... more image stuff
However when the srvlet loads the page to the web pc, the
servlet somtimes issues these errors...
2001-03-06 04:42:44 - Ctx( ): IOException in: R( + /images/search.jpg + null)
Connection aborted by peer: socket write error
On most images. However the images are in the images directory in ROOT on
tomcat there names are exactly as they should be i.e case and spelling are correct. The images are even displayed correctly on the web page.
What does this mssg mean, and why does it not appear all the times.