Phil Hanna<BR>Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform<BR>Author of :<BR><A HREF="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0072127686/electricporkchop/107-3548162-1137317" TARGET=_blank rel="nofollow">JSP: The Complete Reference</A><BR><A HREF="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0072124253/electricporkchop/107-3548162-1137317" TARGET=_blank rel="nofollow">Instant Java Servlets</A>
Originally posted by Desai Sandeep:
I think u can do with proper type casting.
SCJP 1.5, SCEA, ICED (287,484,486)
Originally posted by Desai Sandeep:
We had a very simple requirement to pass the Resultset Object, which was obtained by one of the methods of the Java Bean.
- Process the Resultset in first JSP itself.
- Use the setAttribute() of request,session or application implicit objects, as Maha anna has suggested
- Pass the Resultset object to another JSP along with the form fields.
Peter den Haan | peterdenhaan.com | quantum computing specialist, Objectivity Ltd
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