I trying to create
applet that will be used as "view" when all business functionality carried by bean. Finally i need a parameter calculated by bean to be displayed in
JSP I tryed this approach:
1.Create embedded applet
<jsp: plugin type=...
code=... >
proceed input and calculation, getting final result
2.Applet created this way can fire event that using method showDocument() from AppletContext address to JSP
3.This JSP trying to use tag useBean addressing to the same bean to get result as parameter . Unfortunatelly this
way only new bean created
I know if JSP instantiate bean by useBean, other JSP can get parameters from this bean existing in context.
Whether it possible to share bean between JSP and applet, if yes what is the consequence?
Thanks in advance
[This message has been edited by Vladimir Kositsky (edited May 17, 2001).]