I have done two projects with the same but I would like to tell you one thing that don't try or look for the integration. What we had done was - we installed tomcat on one machine and the other machine the weblogic. The machines were on LAN. So JSPs will be with the TOMCAT machine and the beans will be withe weblogic machine. Now to run the servers at their locations. Before that in this cae you'll have to copy the stubs , skeletons, jar from the web logic machine to the tomcat server and in the properties file you'll have to specify the tomcat machine's name. It may be a littlecomplex at the start but there are a lot of advantages in this method like you can load
test you application.
Originally posted by Stefan Forner:
How can I integrate tomcat in weblogic? Is there a plugin?
Please help me.
Vikas Aggarwal
Technology Associate
Shakun Global Networks