hello all-
before i start i'd like to prematurely thank anyone who responds to the message.
I am running apache1.3.20, tomcat3.2.1, jsdk2.0, jdk1.3.1:
i have been trying to get this to work or some time now and i am very frustrated. i have already scoured the net for a solution and would appreciate any input i could get.
i am trying (unsuccessfully) to send data from a
java app to a
servlet to be saved in a file on the server. i can successfully invoke the servlet from the browser's location bar and everything runs okay, but when i try to invoke the servlet from the java app, the servlet never get invoked. the code for both the
applet and server follows:
//FileSaveServlet: receives data from applet and saves to file
import java.io.*;
import java.net.*;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
public class FileSaveServlet extends HttpServlet {
public void doPut(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
throws ServletException, IOException {
//open the input stream from applet
DataInputStream inStream = new DataInputStream(req.getInputStream());
//read in the data
int inInt = inStream.read();
//create new dat file and write file
File fout = new File("test.dat");
FileWriter wout = new FileWriter(fout);
//connTest applet: cpnnects and sends data to applet
//on button clicked...
void cmdConnect_MouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent event) {
URL thisURL = null;
URLConnection thisConnection = null;
txtOut.appendText("Connect clicked and mouseClicked thrown... \n Attempting to construct URL... \n");
//construct servlet's url
try {
thisURL = new URL("");
txtOut.appendText("URL construction successful! \n Attmpting to connect to servlet... \n");
catch(MalformedURLException me) {
txtOut.appendText("Exception caught! " + me.toString() + ". \n");
//open the connection
try {
thisConnection = thisURL.openConnection();
txtOut.appendText("Connection successful!\n Attempting to send data to Servlet...\n");
catch(IOException ie) {
txtOut.appendText("Exception caught! " + ie.toString() + ".\n");
// send the data and close the connection
try {
String reqString = URLEncoder.encode("0123456789");
DataOutputStream outStream = new DataOutputStream(thisConnection.getOutputStream());
txtOut.appendText("Data sent successfully!\n");
catch(IOException ie) {
txtOut.appendText("Exception Caught! " + ie.toString() + "\n");
again, i am very grateful for any insight you can give me.
thanks, tsquared