I am using weblogic 6.0 and i need to log all the messages of the System.out.println()
and System.err from the
servlets and
jsp. So can anyone please explain me in detail
as how to go about this. I looked for the documentation in the bea site but was confusing.
So a bit of detailed
explaintion in this regard would be highly appreciable.(is it possible without using
weblogic api for logging and if no then how to go about the api)
Another question i have is i am using mvc where servlets act as controllers and
jsp as the views. Though i am taking enough care with exception handling. I want to
have a generalised page which would be called in case of any unhandled error and would
log the exception into the log file. In my previous project i would do this in the
error page because i was using only jsp's now since i have servlets too is there a
way by which i can call the error page of jsp or is there any other alternative. I
saw the <error-page> alternative in the web.xml but you need to mention error page
for each possible exception. What i need is exactly like an errorpage in jsp where
i define only a single generalised page