Dear Friends, I am using sendRedirect method in my jsp page.I am working on Tomcat 1.3 with Apache web server I am working as & i want to forward from one of my jsp pages to I tried with <jsp:forward > but i know that it will take only relative url. now i tried with responce.semdRedirect(url) were url is It is not working Is there any way by which i can manipulate this if url=/site2/b.jsp
I just want to know is there any body call my bean's Getter and Setter methods with "Please" in front - My favorite quip from Bugzilla
Hi Anoop, You should upgrade Tomcat. The latest stable release is 3.2.2. That release has full support for the JSP 1.1 specs. You can then use the implicit response object to send a redirect with the following: "response.sendRedirect("")" Becareful on spelling because the syntax matters greatly. Jayson Falkner P.S. Check out JSP Insider - for more free JSP info!
Jayson Falkner<br /><br />Author of <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Servlets and JavaServer Pages; the J2EE Web Tier</a>
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