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Unable to create a bean for class myclass?

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Hi, I am using Tomcat3.2.3 and JDK1.3 on WIndows NT
I have set the JAVA_HOME,TOMCAT_HOME,path and classpath variables.When I try to run the JSP files with no beans they run fine.But when I am trying to access the JSP file with myclass bean i get the erroe that unable to create bean for myclass.How do i solve this problem.
I placed the class files in TOMCAT_HOME\classes directory(since this is in the classpth of tomcat) and jsp files in TOMCAT_HOME\webapps\mydir\
Plzz help
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hi ... try this
1. since mydir is your context folder ... create a WEB_INF directory directly under it.
2. under the WEB-INF directory create a classes forlder and place your bean package in this folder.
hope that helps
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It would help if you showed the JSP code where you are trying to create the bean - anyway, I will take a guess based on other folks problems.
1. Your bean should be a member of a package, NOT the default pkg
2. You must place the class files according to the rules for servlets - note how the Tomcat examples are constructed. This is all related to how your web application context is defined like Samith said.
3. Your <jsp:useBean tag must give the complete package in the class= attribute.
4. You must also import the package in the <%@ page directive
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Kameswari Jyosyula
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1.Is it a must that the bean has to be a part of a Package?
2. Here are the complete details :
JAVA_HOME: C:\jdk1.3.1
when i start the TOMCAT this is what is shown :
Including all jars in C:\TOMCAT\JAKART~1.3\lib in your CLASSPATH.
Using CLASSPATH: C:\TOMCAT\JAKART~1.3\classes;C:\TOMCAT\JAKART~1.3\lib\ant.jar;C
Hence, I placed all my class files in C:\TOMCAT\JAKART~1.3\Classes , JSP files are in C:\TOMCAT\JAKART~1.3\webapps\mydir
I call the login.html which in turn calls the ValidateUser1.jsp which is
<jsp:useBean id="loginManager" class="/Classes/LoginManager"
scope="application" />
<jsp:useBean id="credentials" class="/Classes/UserCredentials"
scope="session" />
<jsp:setProperty name="credentials" property="*"/>
<%! String nextPage; %>
if (loginManager.login(credentials)) {
else if (loginManager.alreadyLoggedIn(credentials)) {
else {
<jsp:forward page="<%= nextPage %>"/>
<%@ page errorPage="Exception.jsp" %>
LoginManager is in Classes dir as mentioned above.Exception.jsp is as follows:
<%@ page isErrorPage="true" %>
<title>FATAL ERROR</title>
<body bgcolor="#ffffff">
<%= exception.getMessage() %>
Report above message to System Administrator
So when i click on submit buton inlogin.html it does go to ValidateUser1.jsp and then shows the message :
Cannot create bean of class LoginManager
Report above message to System Administrator
So why does it not create a bean?Is it because its not in a package?If i do place the bean in a package say com.something then i would have to include the bean as com.something.LoginManager - right?But would I need to change the directory structure in my Classes dir too like -
- com
-something(which has all bean class files)
Please help.I would be much obliged and very thankful
TIA -Kameswari

Originally posted by William Brogden:
It would help if you showed the JSP code where you are trying to create the bean - anyway, I will take a guess based on other folks problems.
1. Your bean should be a member of a package, NOT the default pkg
2. You must place the class files according to the rules for servlets - note how the Tomcat examples are constructed. This is all related to how your web application context is defined like Samith said.
3. Your <jsp:useBean tag must give the complete package in the class= attribute.
4. You must also import the package in the <%@ page directive

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it is a very usefull convention the every bean (just like every java class) should be part of a package, but not a must. Anyhow
"<jsp:useBean id="credentials" class="/Classes/UserCredentials"
scope="session" />" is not are correct class reference because you try to reference to a kind of directory structure (/Classes..).
The quick fix would propably be: Change the jsp tag to
"<jsp:useBean id="credentials" class="UserCredentials"
scope="session" />"
But the correct way would be:
Put your bean in a personal package just like
"com.yourcompany.yourname.beans". You do not have to
change the directory structure of the classes directory but it would be a good style to put the class file "UserCredentials.class" into the directory Classes/com/....
The correct reference ist then:
"<jsp:useBean id="credentials" class="com.mycompany.myname.beans.UserCredentials"
scope="session" />".
Hope that helps
William Brogden
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Exactly right on most of that Tom - but I think there is a very good reason for putting beans in a package. At least with Tomcat, it has to do with the way the class loader looks for classes, and something about class="MyClass" confuses it.
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