jsp files are invoked/displyed without any problem when I open them in the browser using both jswdk-1.0.1 and JWS2.0. In jswdk, everything works perfectly, but when I click on the the links or Submit buttons of the jsp files which are displayed in JWS , I get an error -
Error during JSP page processing
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: java.lang.System: method setProperty(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String
Ljava/lang/String; not found
at IDRClient.Functions.(
at java.beans.Beans.instantiate(
at pagecompile.jsp._registrars._add._add._jspService(
at com.sun.server.http.pagecompile.jsp.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(Compiled Code)
at com.sun.server.http.pagecompile.jsp.runtime.JspServlet.runServlet(
at com.sun.server.http.pagecompile.jsp.runtime.JspServlet.processJspPage(
at com.sun.server.http.pagecompile.jsp.runtime.JspServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(Compiled Code)
at com.sun.server.ServletState.callService(
at com.sun.server.ServletManager.callServletService(
at com.sun.server.ProcessingState.invokeTargetServlet(
at com.sun.server.http.HttpProcessingState.execute(
at com.sun.server.http.stages.Runner.process(
at com.sun.server.ProcessingSupport.process(Compiled Code)
at com.sun.server.Service.process(
at com.sun.server.http.HttpServiceHandler.handleRequest(
at com.sun.server.http.HttpServiceHandler.handleRequest(Compiled Code)
at Code)
The methos setProperty exists in the mentioned files, so I can't figure out what the problem is. The set Property method contains -
The same links work perfectly in jswdk server, but not in JWS2.0!!! I tried to modify the file also, but then the JWS server couldn't start. I was told that this has something to do with JRe version of JWS, which is 1.1.7. If I upgraded the JRE to 1.2.2, the method is supported in that. But I tried replacing the jre folder in jws with the new version, I got an error -
Program c:\JavaWeb~1.0\bin\..\jre\bin\jre.exe exited with code -1073741819
jserv: Shutting down the server
Also, I cannot start the jws server from the command prompt using -javahome option, as I get an error -
Can't read file 'c:\JavaWebServer2.0\bin\..\keys'.
Provider did not return PKCS8Key
Program c:\JDK12~1.2\bin\java.exe exited with code 1
Could someone tell me how to rectify these??? Please help!