Hi Pranit
You can start
testing your first JSP code, by writing a simple "Hello World" application(hello.jsp below) and store it under the C:..../Allaire/Jrun/Servers/default/default-app/ folder.
<% for(int i=0;i<5;i++) { %>
<h1>Hello World!</h1>
<% } %>
Now to access it use the URL
http://localhost:8100/default/hello.jsp in a browser and u should be seeing HELLO WORLD written 5 times.
PS: Make sure that the default server is "Started".
Originally posted by Pranit Saha:
Hi all,
i've installed Jrun.. i'm having jdk in c:\jdk1.2.1.. what next i've to do to run jsp through jrun and where should i save the jsp files.
thanks in advance