Two responses, Ashwin:
1: Another iPlanet user! Write to
[email protected] and help lobby for a dedicated iPlanet forum! They have WebLogic and WebSphere, but not iPlanet, and heck if we don't need a little help!
2: JSPs (on iPlanet at least..) are expected to be packaged as jsp.APPS.<webapp name>. There's some additional factors involved, but suffice to say precompiling your JSPs isn't a particularly good idea. If you really need to have something precompiled, servlets and good ole java classes are the best option. If all of your 'real' logic is there, and the JSP is just presentation (as it should be), then viewing the JSPs won't cause any proprietary 'secrets' to be lost, just the API for using the data/logic classes. Hope this helps!
BTW, if you adhere to the MVC design
pattern, the best way to develop is write your data/logic classes as regular java, write a front-end to accept posts and parameters as a servlet that calls the data/logic classes as appropriate, take the results and add them to the request via the setAttribute() call on the HttpServletRequest, then finally forward the request to a JSP for display. If you're still worried about the JSP, you can write precompiled JavaBeans and/or custom tags for manipulating your presentation without others viewing it. I don't both with that, though. I use the following method to do forwarding, where templateName is the name of the JSP file:
public void forwardToJSP( HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res,
String templateName )
throws ServletException, IOException
// select the JSP template
RequestDispatcher disp;
disp = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher( "/" + templateName );
// forward the request to the template
disp.include(req, res);