hi ,
I am trying to access the
EJB which is deployed in weblogic4.5.1 using
servlets which are on iplanet webserver 4.1
.I am facing a problem where the servlet in iplanet is not able to communicate with the EJB in weblogic.I am using t3 connectivity to comunicate with the EJB from the servlets.My request hangs for a long time and then displays a insecure item dialog box in the browser.when i checked up the iplanet and weblogic logs i found no exception or errors but the connectivity with the iplanet and the weblogic is lost and i was not able to invoke a telnet session from iplanet webserver machine to weblogic machine it is giving connection refused.however if i shut and start iplanet the connectivity is restablished and i am able to invoked the bean from the servlets.This problem is happening once in a while
but still i am not able to find a permanent solution for it
or the reason why this is happening the only solution that i have now is restart of iplanet
can anyone through a light into this issue