Draw a square with width N.
Cut of a rectangular stripe of width c at the right.
Turn the stripe inside the remaining rectangle, so that all corners will be positioned on the resulting outer rectangle.
How long has the width of the cut to be, to make the stripe fit?
(Note: An turning angle of n*90�, n being an integer, is not allowed.)
Schematical image - the outer rectangle shall be a square.
Why isn't this shown in monospace-font?
Copy it to a monospaced-font editor to view it right
Well - it's more a geometrical/ mathematical diversion, but I needed assistance from
Java to find a nearly solution iterating, and on that way I observed some details, which helped solving it mathematically.
A link to the solution will follow soon.
I hope it's new to the most of you.
Well here is a graphical representation of the quiz.
At the bottom of the page is a link to the solution.
http://home.arcor.de/hirnstrom/minis/qdk/QuadratQuizQuiz.html [ April 24, 2006: Message edited by: Stefan Wagner ]
[ April 24, 2006: Message edited by: Stefan Wagner ]
[ April 24, 2006: Message edited by: Stefan Wagner ]