Thanks guys. I figured out what was going on.
For those who might come accross this error.
It wasn't a driver issue. The first problem was, and when I put the classes12.jar into the common/lib direcotyr of Tomcat, I was good.
My problems were in the Query itself. Wrong field name, wrong field type.
They way I found this out was to include a method called getHelp, in my plain Java code that the servlet calls. getHelp returns a
String named, yes you guessed it "help".
In various points I assign a value to help. Like in my catch in the getConnection() portion of my code. I assigned it Exception.getMessage(). I also assigned my query to help. And then I have my servlet call getHelp, so I can see the real problem.

The error message Tomcat gave me led me down a wrong tree.
I also jsut found out that I could have sent the stack trace to the out via Exception.printStackTrace(out);
[ April 25, 2002: Message edited by: Mark Spritzler ]