Hello!! Environment : Tomcat 3.3 , jdk 1.3 I have written one servlet "TestingServlet.java" and stored in the following directory structure tomcat\webapps\myApp\WEB-Inf \classes\TestingServlet.java When i try to access this servlet with url http://localhost:8080/myApp/servlet/TestingServlet I get message "404" Please advise!! Thanks,
A servlet engine will NOT compile your servlet for you - it will only recognize a class file. The only compilation a servlet engine does automatically is for JSP files. You will get better results if you put the TestingServlet in a package, in which case the location under WEB-INF/classes must reflect the package name. Study how the Tomcat examples are done. Bill
404 is the File Not Found Error Your server is trying to find a .class file...if you store the .java of course it wont work... But if what you want is to get the .java file (who knows) then you should ask the browser for TestingServlet.java , not only TestingServlet
Hi William and Juanjo! Thanks for replying my question. You guys were correct, my compiler was not generating .class file in the folder for some reason. I corrected it and now I am getting .class file. My problem is solved. Thanks for the specific remedy. Thanks,
Anil Jain<br />Sun Certified Java(2) Programmer
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