If you are really keen on development projects, express your concerns with your supervisor and ask for a position in development. If that's not possible in the short to medium term, you may want to consider a job switch to an organization that's ready to match your interests and expectations.
Do a couple of diagnostic interviews with a couple of companies,you are not serious about joining.That will help you assess the knowledge gaps you are having.You can then work towards filling them up.
Don't be too worried about losing touch with those J2EE technologies,as long as you have your Core Java skills strong.After all J2EE technologies are implemented in Core Java.So I'd suggest you strengthen your Core Java fundamentals and try mastering some of the advanced features of the language viz. Synchronization, RMI etc including design methodologies and
patterns. Also consider learning Resource pooling (viz Connection/Thread pooling) etc.
Finally,build some data structure and algorithm design capabilities alongside the above stuff.
For all of the above,do some smart googling..You'll come across a host of useful links to excellent contents. Once you are there, the rest is just cakewalk ..enjoy
[ December 13, 2007: Message edited by: san ban ]