First of all, I apologize for post the same question in two different forums, but I new in JavaRanch and I don�t know how it works. Sorry.
I am using
Tomcat 3.2.4. The method that I use to go from a page to another is by means of a Controller servlet and a hidden type input named "page" that represents the next page to go. That parameter is received for the Controller servlet and it converts to the real URL with: nextPage = getInitParam(request.getParameter("page"));
For example, a web.xml for a simple application where the adminPage.jsp is protected:
From Index page to access to admin page the paramater "page" is equal to "AdminPage". The Controller servlet jumps the login page ang go to admin page without athentication. Must I put the servlet in protected area? I am using JDBC Realm wiht three tables for authentication (Login, Roles, Role-Login).