i tried to insert the image into mysql and retrive it into the borwser in
java servlet using resin web server. i can successfully insert the image into the datbase. but i faced some difficulties when i tried to retrive the image from mysql database to the browser. i used the blob datatype for storing images. i can able to retrieve the binary value of the image.
my difficuties:-------------
1. how can we convert the binary value of one image into
string value and store it into database?
2. i have two fields in my database
1. text
2. image
if give the text as an input thru browser, it should be comapred with the text which is already stored in the database. if the comparision is succeed then it refer the binary value of the corespondent image to the input text. and store this in mirror table and once again compare with the image from the orginal datbase. if they matched then retrive the coresspondent text to foreground.
pls help me.