Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
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Matthew Phillips
Fine, if you want to kill yourself then go ahead. But that isn't what euthansia is.Originally posted by Matthew Phillips:
If I wish to do something with my body that will not harm another persons right to life, liberty, or property then I have the right to do it.
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
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Originally posted by Thomas Paul:
Fine, if you want to kill yourself then go ahead. But that isn't what euthansia is.[/B]
Matthew Phillips
Uncontrolled vocabularies
"I try my best to make *all* my posts nice, even when I feel upset" -- Philippe Maquet
Originally posted by Matthew Phillips:
I own my body, not the government.
Originally posted by Greg Harris:
it's called a [b]living will. i have the horrible task of making that determination if my mom becomes incapacitated beyond a certain point (i.e. coma, major life-support). i do not like thinking about it, but i also know that i would not want to suffer like that and not be able to do anything about it... so if she (God forbid) ever gets to that point, i will have to honor her wishes.
as for me, i hope i go quietly in the night so nobody has to worry about making that decision for me.[/B]
Matthew Phillips
Originally posted by Michal Harezlak:
That is very interesting approached. Many people seem to have this opinion, judging by the way they tread their body. But when you thing about the implication. Let's say: Abortion. Legislations that allow that operation assumes that your parents own your body. What's that case in the USofA?
I prefer to tread my body as a rental ;-).
Best regards.
Matthew Phillips
Originally posted by Matthew Phillips:
A living will is a nice start, but there are two problems with it. The first is that I don't believe all states recognize them, but I could be wrong on this point. The second is that they do not cover all possible circumstances in my understanding. One circumstance is if I am conscious but have completely lost all mental faculties. I would like to be able to leave a document stating that if I am in this state for more than a year to kill me. I don't believe a living will would cover that. I could be wrong, and if so please correct me.
Matthew Phillips
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
Amazon Top 750 reviewer - Blog - Unresolved References - Book Review Blog
Not dependent on the body of its mother... I guess that would be around 18 years old although I know a lot of guys in their 20's that would have been dead in a week without their mom taking care of them.Originally posted by Matthew Phillips:
Until an unborn child is not dependent on the body of its birth mother, I feel that it is a part of the birth mother's body and therefore her responsibility.
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
Amazon Top 750 reviewer - Blog - Unresolved References - Book Review Blog
Originally posted by Matthew Phillips:
Abortion is an issue that I prefer not to discuss, but my view is that I personally think that abortion is wrong. I do not think the government has any say in the matter. Until an unborn child is not dependent on the body of its birth mother, I feel that it is a part of the birth mother's body and therefore her responsibility. Once a child is capable of living outside the body it becomes its own person.
Matthew Phillips
Let's ask Stephen Hawking about that.i do not want to go on "living" if i become dependant on a series of machines to perform my basic functions... what is the point of life then?
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
Amazon Top 750 reviewer - Blog - Unresolved References - Book Review Blog
I agree with you. But I do not consider that euthanasia. You already are dead. Keeping alive the empty shell that you once occupied is pointless and cruel to your loved ones.Originally posted by Greg Harris:
if i become brain-dead i would prefer not to go on "living" because that is not living.
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
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Why does the person want to die? Are they depressed? Will they feel the same way a month from now? If you really want to kill yourself it isn't very hard. A doctor's help seems completely unneccesary.Originally posted by Andy Ceponis:
I really dont understand why it is illegal to have someone kill you if you want to die.
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
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Originally posted by Thomas Paul:
Not dependent on the body of its mother... I guess that would be around 18 years old although I know a lot of guys in their 20's that would have been dead in a week without their mom taking care of them.
Seriously, when exactly is a child not dependent on the birth mother's body? And why is dependence on another so important a criteria for losing the protection of the law? Could a person in a coma be killed without punishment since they are completely reliant on others?[/B]
Matthew Phillips
Oh... you mean like Stephen Hawking.Originally posted by Andy Ceponis:
What if i had no legs or arms and couldnt move? Then i would need someone's help. Or what if i was paralyzed and couldnt ever leave a bed again. I was talking about those situations and ones similar to them.
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
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Stephen Hawking is one of the greatest living physicists in the world. His accomplishments in theoretical physics over the last 30 years are second to none. All the more amazing is the fact that Hawking developed ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease) in the 60's and has been basically immobile for most of his adult life. He communicates with a special computer that detects his eye movements. He has even been featured on "The Simpsons".Originally posted by Andy Ceponis:
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
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Wait a minute, I'm trying to think of something clever to say...<p>Joel
Pourquoi voulez-vous mon nom?
Originally posted by hemanth kumar:
Should Euthanasia be legalised?
My view on this matter is ,Yes it should be.Of course there should be some sort of strict authority control.
What is ur opinion on this matter?
People like Stephen Hawking are a great example why euthanasia and abortion shouldn't even be seriously debated.
Imagine the potential lost if Stephen's mother knew 6 months prior to his birth that he would be so severly
handicapped that he couldn't walk or speak. What if she decided, out of sympathy and compassion, to terminate
the pregnancy. In her eyes, this is really pre-natal euthanasia. The world would be a lesser place today.
If you want to commit suicide then by all means help yourself. But euthanasia is not suicide. Euthanasia is murder. There is a huge difference.Originally posted by Scott Appleton:
Here I'm just addressing the specific logic put forth in the quote above, not any of the other arguments for or against euthanasia (and I won't touch abortion, since that's off-topic).
Ultimately, however, I [b]demand the right to determine my own self-existence (or lack thereof), and it is absolutely no one else's right to deny me that choice, for any reason. Why I might want to be euthanized is between me and God, and the fact that Stephen Hawking and others have made a very wise decision on their part to stay alive should in no way remove the right to make that choice from me.[/B]
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
Amazon Top 750 reviewer - Blog - Unresolved References - Book Review Blog
Killing someone who is a danger to you is self defense. Euthanasia can not possibly be described as self defense. We can justify anything if we are willing to stretch our morals far enough.Originally posted by Scott Appleton:
If taking someone else's life is always murder, then I might commit murder someday against an armed intruder threatening myself or my family. I would therefore argue that murder is not wrong 100% of the time, and neither is euthanasia.
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
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