Originally posted by Vinod John:
Below are few things that could help you decide ...
When to uses Swing/JFC based frontend
1) When the client should be flexible and interactive. <- Are the current Web-technologies not flexible and interactive enough ? They claim to be.
2) If you want to reduce network traffic because you can add some validation functionality at the client side. <- do you know of any mechanisms to cache some data on the browser-side. I like to use it for large lists (not only read-only).
3) If is a intranet application, you don't need to impress your employee.
When not to uses Swing/JFC based frontend
1) If it is an intranet aplication (because if you are using Rmi as a transport protocol you may have to sacrifice son security) see "Java WebStart" below + my domein stuff (business rules etc) are implemented as EJB running on some Application Server. My client-app should talk to some Session-Bean.
2) If you are sure the client may access this aplication over slow network. <- but large lists will also slow down my application, because of the no-caching on the browser-client. Are the alternatives ?
3) If distributing the client is a problem. (you can use a Applet client to solve this problem) <- Maybe i can use Java WebStart (with a Swing-client app) for this, or are there some disadvantages you know off ?
When to uses html based frontend
1) If you know the client will be accessing the app from a slow network. <- but large lists will also slow down my application, because of the no-caching on the browser-client. Are the alternatives ?
2) If you wan the frontend to have lot of attraction in addition to functionality.
In addition you can also use a xml/xslt/html based front end, when you want to brand your front end according tothe customer or your client is a mobile equipment. But this is very resource intensive process.
Mostly companies uses Swing base front end, when it is accessed internally (like a app used by the call center only) that way the importance is more on productivity.
When you opt for a HTML based front end using jsp/servlet, it is generally better to use a page navigation frame-work like struts as it would reduce a work load and the development time.
[ June 26, 2003: Message edited by: Vinod John ]
Originally posted by Wim Lambrecht:
If 'easy access' and 'availability' are desired issues, isn't a web-UI the best choice or can Swing&JavaWebStart compete with that.
Originally posted by Wim Lambrecht:
Another issue is, that the webapp possibly needs to access the local disk. How is that done.
If your app is going to be accessed on the internet and you want it to access the local maching the uses java/JSP/Servlet/html/Javascript for the presentation layer.
Originally posted by Bear Bibeault:
If by 'local maching' [sic] you mean the client system, this is incorrect. A web app based upon these technologies has no ability to access the client file system.
[ June 30, 2003: Message edited by: Bear Bibeault ]
in case of html base front end you can use java script
Often the most important part of the news is what they didn't tell.
Originally posted by Bear Bibeault:
Client-side Javascript has no access to the client file system.
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