I am re opening this topic since the problem might be not in
IDE but in
Servlet concept itself.
Everything used to be fine when eclipse/lomboz deployed my project into my /webapps/modulename/ folder.. it made
testing a snap and everything was cool...
But one day (yesterday) for some reason it started deploying my project into /webapps/modulename.war and it bugs the shit out of me because I takes me forever to do the whole thing and my stupid
tomcat doesnt want to extract the archive anyway..
so what I want is for the software to go back to deploying it in a folder manner, rather than WAR manner... does anybody have any ideas?
I dont remember changing anything (and I am the only 1 who has access to my comp)... IT just started doing it and that's all...
I have a suspicion the reason might be in build.xml... which I also haven't changed... help anybody?
Thank you in advance, your help is greatly appreciated