I have a
servlet that generates a PDF document and then sends it to the clients browser. If the client has a PDF plugin for his or her browser, the PDF document opens in the client's browser window, else the client gets a dialog box asking him to save the PDF document to his or her hard disk.
In my web application the client clicks a link which invokes a smaller child window for the PDF to be displayed in. The problem I am facing is that while the PDF is being generated, I need to show the client some kind of notification in this child browser window - Some message like -"Please wait while the document downloads" or something to that tune, could be a gif image of some sort. How do I do this ?
I tried one approach that is i write the header information in my servlet and flush that, so that the client gets that information and starts displaying the PDF as its being genrated, but that did not work. The PDF gets generated sent and then only does it appear in the child window.
Any help on this will be appreciated.
[ September 21, 2003: Message edited by: Mufaddal Khumri ]