Hi all,
I have a
jsp which is trying to access a
servlet(the servlet accesses an
ejb).Come what may I cannot access my servlet in weblogic- it gives me Error:404.What is the path of the servlet that i should give in my jsp?(It is a form)
I have set the servlet mapping, uri etc in web.xml but to no avail!!
Using only jsp's the whole thing works fine.
What i did was manually created a
.war file( say login.war) using the jar utility which comes with j2sdk and deployed the war file using the WEBLOGIC administrative console.
login.war contained my jsps in a folder named jsps ,and the deployment descripters-web.xml and weblogic.xml inside WEB-INF folder.
though i did not mention any context root as such, I was able to successfully deploy the war file and access my jsps through the url- localhost:7001/login/jsps/myjsp.jsp.
But now i want a servlet. How should i proceed?Is the context path etc. server specific??
Here is the relevent part of web.xml:-
This is the part of the jsp trying to acesss ControllerServlet
<form method="GET" action="/control">
Finally, the servlet class..
public class ControllerServlet extends HttpServlet {.....
Name of the war file login.war.For jsps weblogic automatically appends
/login .
Can anyone help?