Jyothi<br />Sun Certified Java Programmer<br />Brainbench Certified for Javascript
Originally posted by Anupreet Arora:
Another response header technique that is uncommon but helpful is to send a wait page or a page that will auto-refresh to a new page after a given period of time. This tactic is helpful in any case where a response might take an uncontrollable time to generate, or for cases where you want to ensure a brief pause in a response. The entire mechanism revolves around setting the Refresh response header25. The header can be set using the following:
response.setHeader("Refresh", "time; URL=url" );
Where "time" is replaced with the amount of seconds, the page should wait, and "url" is replaced with the URL that the page should eventually load.
SCJP6.0,My blog Ranchers from Delhi
Shanky Sohar wrote:If you have done web designing then you may find that most of the time,
it happend things working on mozilla doesnot works on IE,As here also we are setting the header which is bascially identified by the browser which only display this,
So may be the syntax which you are usiing is having some error which mozialla ignores but IE detects that so not showing your page.
So please check the syntax properly..
Anupreet Arora wrote:Hi,
What is not clear to me in this is how is this useful in cases where a response might take an uncontrollable time to generate? In context of my example above, I don't want to go to javaranch.com after I have waited for 1 minute and another 10 secs. I want to go to javaranch after 10 secs while my response is taking one minute (read an uncontrollable time) to generate.
Appreciate your help ..
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