sorry, i don't think i understand. my XSLT actually creates a web page (sorry, i didn't include my XSLT code before). so as far as I was aware i'm unable to use out in this context.
Check the content of the xml (messageDocument) used in the transformation.
If it is correct, try doing the transformation from the command line using the xsl and an xml file.
My xsl is a bit rusty, shouldn't the template contain a forward slash? I could be wrong here. <xsl:template match="/flight"> [EDIT: As I had suspected, I got this one wrong]
Working code to do what you want is the following:
generateError() is just a method that takes a String and parses that into an HTML template to generate a custom error page. The XML to be processed and the NAME of the XSL file are passed in as request parameters. The servlet caches the precompiled XSL sheets in order to speed up performance on subsequent uses of the same XSL (depending on your parser this can make requests after the first one for a particular XSL file up to a hundred times faster according to tests I did).
I tried testing your xsl (in xmlspy) using the following xml file.
I ran the transformation as is and it gave me an empty page. It worked when I put a value in <title></title> element. Check the markup in the head section.
hi Sheldon, thankyou for going to so much trouble to work it out. that made it work for me too. i didn't realise that a title was a mandatory item. thankyou, thankyou, thankyou!!