- Janna
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
Amazon Top 750 reviewer - Blog - Unresolved References - Book Review Blog
Originally posted by Thomas Paul:
Hmmmm, vegetarians. I like them grilled medium-rare with A-1 sauce. Yummy!
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Originally posted by Sridevi Kovvali:
It is nature's surivival rules to eat a weaker one to survive like tiger eating deer. But humans have reasoning and you have the choice whether to follow the animal instincts in you by killing something for your basic need or stay away from it.
Science wouldn't have advanced for the betterment of humans and animals without research and experiments it has nothing to do with a person being a veggie though everyone whether veggie/non-veggie opposes the killing of innoncent animals for experiments or other reasons like fur etc. I haven't taken till now any medicine which has some animal fat in it.
Originally posted by Sridevi Kovvali:
[...] When you can survive by eating the vegetarian food why do you want to take the life of animal or anything on whom you don't have a right.[...]
It is always easy to say that one is against "killing and torturing of innocent animals for the benefit of humans" because it is catchy and can easily put someone on a quilt trip.
Write once, run anywhere, because there's nowhere to hide! - /. A.C.
- Janna
Originally posted by Connie Boyd:
It's not a perfect world, and I'm not a perfect person, but I do what I can, right?
- Janna
live cruelty free ~ don't eat meat or use products tested on animals
Qualification of plant life(or death) as different from animal life is an anthrocentric projection of our limited understanding of life onto the situation.
most omnivores are more defficient in nutrients than any sensible vegan diet would allow.
To readdress your point, I think it's a cop out to say that plant death and animal death are equal. Are you saying that we can't know how either plants or animals experience death, so we might as well eat either or both?
Originally posted by Roger Tomato:
By ll means eat the carrots, but leave us Tomatoes alone.
live cruelty free ~ don't eat meat or use products tested on animals
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
Amazon Top 750 reviewer - Blog - Unresolved References - Book Review Blog
would you drink human breastmilk?
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live cruelty free ~ don't eat meat or use products tested on animals
The main point is really that we only live by ending the life of something else. (Ending the life in a very limited understanding of ending and life, of course) Becoming truly conscious of this fact is profound. To say that killing an animal is cruelty but killing plants is not, is simply a function of our ability to more easily anthropomorphize the animals.
Pounding at a thick stone wall won't move it, sometimes, you need to step back to see the way around.
I'm not sure I understand the contradiction. I keep house plants but I still eat lettuce. There are certain animals that I won't eat. Or more truthfully, there are only a few animals that I will eat and all of them (other than seafood) are bred specifically to be eaten. By the way, my cat eats meat... does that mean she's a cannibal?Originally posted by Sridevi Kovvali:
But what about those animal lovers who has pets in their homes but do consume animal food. Isn't it contradictory to say i love my pet and at same time consuming animal food. Should we think is there any true love for their pet. or do we think they don't mind to kill some animals for food and some they love and keep them as pets.
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
Amazon Top 750 reviewer - Blog - Unresolved References - Book Review Blog
The main point is really that we only live by ending the life of something else.
But anyway, I'm not really arguing anything. After a rocky start, we seem to have come to the conclusion that we generally agree, but are opposed on certain finer points.
Originally posted by Sridevi Kovvali:
But saying Humans are inconsistent is different from saying Vegetarians are inconsistent.
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