I have written two
java programs which actually do the following:
1)Connect to one CRM Server.(using server API)
2)Get the Server statistics data.
3)Write this data to a log file
The above tasks are being excuted by another class using Timer and TimerTask with regular interval of 30 minutes.Now instead of reading a log file from a server,people want that log file to be posted on their email addresses. I think Java Mail API can be used.But I am thinking use of
Servlet might be better as I can create HTML file containing server statistics and then send it to people.
Do you have any better suggestion?
(Instead of using Timer/TimerTask,we can also use quartzscheduler, open source java schdeular, similar to cron scheduling but this will be at later stage.]
In short my question is : Is it possible to write scheduler which will run the servlet every 30 minutes which in turn will use above classes,get the statistics data and using mail API,post the contents to clients?
[ January 26, 2005: Message edited by: Arjun Shastry ]