Hi all,
Firstly I would like t o thank this very helpful forum.I have one more question regarding checkboxes.
In my courses.jsp which connects to an MS Access database I have something like this...
<INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX NAME="COURSES" VALUE="rs.getString("course")"><%out.print(rs.getString("course"));%></td>
This is coming from the database.
In my
servlet code i have this in the doPost method.
/*CheckBoxServlet*/ PS : This servlet is not connected to the database..
/* OUTPUT */
I have checked 5 check boxes
Checkbox values rs.getString(
Checkbox values rs.getString(
Checkbox values rs.getString(
Checkbox values rs.getString(
Checkbox values rs.getString(
My question is why is it not printing out the value in rs.getString()???.
It would be great if this forum helps me in the right direction.Let me know how i can go about doing this.
I hope i have explained my question correctly.If you have any further questions kindly ask.
Thanking every one in adavance