I�m working on upgrading all my code to use
Struts Tiles Templates. In the code I define some variables, which have to be used by all my
jsp pages. Before my udgrading to Struts Tiles Templates I just included a jsp file, where all the variables was defined - i.e.
But now I have to share the variables in a bean request scope.
The way I will share the variables is by using a
servlet bean (Initialize.java), which I call in the way below:
<jsp:useBean id="init" class="ini.Initialize" scope="request" />
My big problem is that now I have to change all my code in the jsp pages to use the variables, by calling the variables using the bean id, called init. I have to change my code from:
That is a lot of work. Are there any way to get around of this problem?
[ June 27, 2005: Message edited by: Jeppe Fjord ]