I have the following scenario. But i am not getting any idea how to implement it. please help me . I would be very thankful if anyone can send code samples.
Following is my problem.
I will be having some users who can access my web site. To access my web site they have to pay some money . Based on the money that users paid to me i will allocate a time limit to them (and it will be stoed in DB)to access my web site. Once they exceeds the time limit they should get a alert message saying that your time is over and please recharge your account.
I mean , Suppose a user paid 100Rs to me. Then say i allocated 100minutes to him. So he can access my site for 100 minutes. Once he crosses 100 min i should not allow the user to access my site any more . And i have to display an alert message to the user saying that his time is exceeded.
Also if he logs in and logs out in 20 min (say) , then i have to update the time limit in DB to 80 minutes.
I have to implement this using
jsp,java script and
So please help me out if you have any ideas.