I'm studying
Head First Servlets & JSP, and so far I think it's an excellent book. I also have
Murach's Java Servlets and JSP, which is also highly recommended, but it doesn't have as much detail as the HF Servlets & JSP. I think the Murach's book provides a good, basic introduction, but after reading each short lesson, I had technical questions about some of the details (e.g. how to determine what path to use when refering to a file). I found that those technical details were clearly explained in the HF book.
My recommendation would be to get both books. Start with the Murach's book and after you finish chapter 6, switch over to the HF book. I think the first three chapters of the HF book would be too overwhelming for absolute beginners.
[ October 06, 2006: Message edited by: sven studde ]