Make visible what, without you, might perhaps never have been seen.
- Robert Bresson
Originally posted by Michael Ernest:
The objective answer has never been in question, Aman.
As a matter of public record, the U.S. has asked the Taliban to expel Osama bin Laden, and they have refused. The U.S. considers bin Laden a terrorist who must face charges in connection with the WTC attack, and has vowed to "bear no distinction between terrorists and those who harbor them."
You're not thinking we can open a dialog on that premise, do you?
Originally posted by Aman Chain:
1. What is the objective of the conducting the US Air raid? Or, at the end of the day, what is the output that the raids are supposed to generate?
Please don't answer in vague/broad terms like "Eliminating terrorism". Be specific.
Striker: My orders came through. My squadron ships out
tomorrow, we're bombing the storage depots at
Daiquiri at 18:00 hours. We're coming in from the
North, below their radar.
Elaine: When will you be back?
Striker: I can't tell you that. It's classified.
So, is this your answer? Is the objective of the strikes is to make Taliban give Osama to US?
Make visible what, without you, might perhaps never have been seen.
- Robert Bresson
Originally posted by Jason Menard:
The way I see it the positive political outcome we are looking for is the removal of the Taleban party from power in Afghanistan, and the destruction of the Al-Queda organization.
The strategic results we are looking for are things such as the inability of Al-Queda to carry out terrorist operations, and the effective destruction of the Taleban's military capabilities.
We are looking to establish our will for a secure nation, over the enemies will to commit terrorism against us.
We want our will to topple Al-Queda to prevail over their will to remain in power. You get the idea.
I would say another objective closely related to all of these is our desire to establish a state of deterrence. We will establish this deterrence through intimidation. In this manner we will try to convince the enemy not to direct hostile action towards us.
Originally posted by Michael Ernest:
Yeah, that's what I wrote
I agree with that 100%. But the way bombing is going, I don't see that's what they want. US is what, 10000 times more powerful than Afgn? But after a month of raids, I would say there is practically no change in the position. After spending so much of tax payers money what's the outcome?
If that were the objective, ie. topple the Taliban, shouldn't US have applied some more thought (I'm sure, people at the helm are smart people...but atleast I don't see their smartness in this case) and may be discussed with the Northern Appliance....and made them as their spearhead? There is a saying in Hindi, I'll just say the translation, "Iron cuts Iron".
The point I am trying to make is, the raids, as you correctly said, are a show of power. But that will not help.
As I see it, instead of painting a picture of resolve/dermination/power, the US is showing clear signs of frustration. Which, I believe, is not good. I expect much more shrewedness from the US.
can destroy them completely and still AQ will function because now this "jehad" jini is not just contained in the Afgn. box. It's out of it.
Even if the whole afgn. is dead, they don't care. They will simply pick another host.
Now just see, when this thing was started nearly all the islamic countries were with US. But now slowly, (and quickly when the ramzan comes) islamic countries will break away
. If deterrance were any good, the terrorist attacks would not have happened in the first place.
The point that the Strikes are trying to make to the enemy is already accepted by the enemy.
But I believe that a positive critisism is also helpful in arriving at a better solution.
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