I'm trying to create a different log file for my aplication named Tools.war
well first let me explain what i did till now...
first i created log4j.properties in my project Tools's WEB-INF folder
log4j.properties File
#debug log4jlog4j.debug=truelog4j.rootLogger=debug, ROOT #Log things to a File, keep the files size to 500KB#and keep 2 backup fileslog4j.appender.ROOT=org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppenderlog4j.appender.ROOT.File=d://temp//tools.loglog4j.appender.ROOT.MaxBackupIndex=2log4j.appender.ROOT.MaxFileSize=500KBlog4j.appender.ROOT.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayoutlog4j.appender.ROOT.layout.ConversionPattern=%p %d %c %x- %m%nlog4j.appender.ROOT.threshold=DEBUGlog4j.appender.ROOT.Append=falselog4j.appender.ROOT.ImmediateFlush=true
coppied log4j.jar file into the WEB-INF/lib directory and imported log4j.jar into my project Tools.
than i configured log4j.properties in packaging so that it will fall into the WEB-INF/classes directory when i deploy it where my other classes will also fall.
well other classes will fall in the appropriate packages like my
servlet connect.class will fall in
where as log4j.properties will fall in the
than this code is in my servlet Connect.java
public class Connect extends HttpServlet { private static final Logger l = Logger.getLogger("ROOT");
and this is in my doPost method of Connect.java servlet
l.info("Hello World"); try{f.store_data_post(o);m.parse_xml(req.getParameter("dept_name").toLowerCase());m.send_mail(o.getMail(),"Feedback - " + o.getTopic(),o.getComment());}catch(Exception e){l.debug("JIGAR NAIK");e.printStackTrace();f.errFlagPost = true;}
but my tools.log is not getting created... Error is also occuring in send_mail method and store_data method...