posted 17 years ago
Hi Shilpa,
Since this is a test situation, you will not want to penalize the test taker with network latency, server response times and page loads eating up their time. I recommend having a cumulative client-side Javascript timer that is tied to a hidden form parameter, triggered with the page load (start the timer in the the body:onload() handler, initial value from hidden form parameter), and submitted to the server with form submissions (update the hidden form variable in the form:onsubmit() handler) to track and initialize subsequent pages.
At a higher level, you might consider using Ajax components in your pages to better minimize the page-to-page latency issues. This will make the test duration appear more seamless, and provide the test taker with a (nearly) uninterrupted test environment.
I have had pretty good success with the dojo toolkit for this sort of application. It is simple to associate an HTML form with the XHR object, and update the form parameters dynamically from one request to the next.
Breaking the "back" button in a test environment is something you need to think about, but dojo provides workarounds for that too. An additional "plus" is the possibility of making your test work in off-line mode.
Good luck!
[ February 07, 2007: Message edited by: Philip Shanks ]
Philip Shanks, SCJP - Castro Valley, CA
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