How many types of Cookie are there ??? Is there anything like server side cookie and client side cookie If yes than how can i create server side cookie ???
Cookies are always client side. Perhaps you are confused by the existance of the javax.servlet.http.C ookie class - that is simply the class that servers use to manipulate c ookie values during a single request-response cycle. Holding values between requests is handled by the HttpSession - note that a cookie value on the client is what associates a given client with a Session.
For more than you ever wanted to know about c ookies, here is the RFC.
I don't think that there is anything like server side or client side cookies. It is just the container creates for you when you want to use sesions or you just create one custom cookie depending on what you want to do with it.
SCJP 1.4, SCWCD 1.4 - Hints for you, Certified Scrum Master
Did a rm -R / to find out that I lost my entire Linux installation!
Theres chocolate chips, coconut, almond shavings, what ? Oh...
Well there are no server side cookies. Cookies are usually handed over to clients over HTTP so that clients can be stateful. Everytime, the browser says to the server, "Hi server do you remember me ? I am the guy with the JSessionID=blalba!123%^&D". If you dont want to use cookies use HTTPS or URL rewriting.