I get the following error while trying to compile the
servlet SeatPlanRequestServlet.java:
C:\TechMSeatPlan\WEB-INF\classes\seatplanner\controller>javac SeatPlanRequestSer
SeatPlanRequestServlet.java:10: package seatplanner.model does not exist
import seatplanner.model.DataManager;
SeatPlanRequestServlet.java:25: cannot find symbol
symbol : class DataManager
location: class seatplanner.controller.SeatPlanRequestServlet
DataManager dataManager = new DataManager();
SeatPlanRequestServlet.java:25: cannot find symbol
symbol : class DataManager
location: class seatplanner.controller.SeatPlanRequestServlet
DataManager dataManager = new DataManager();
The servlet references the DataManager.java class. I compiled the class through the command prompt and placed it in the right package path (classes>seatplanner>model). The SeatPlanRequestServlet is present in the package (classes>seatplanner>controller). The "classes" being referred to here is the classes folder in my web application.
My package statement is absolutely correct in both instances. All the paths are also correct, and yet I get this error while compiling the servlet.
What am I doing wrong here? Thanks for the help in advance.
[ January 08, 2008: Message edited by: David O'Meara ]