Hello Ranchers ,
I am trying out a simple application to
test my understanding /concepts of
My application is :
A Login screen
After Login screen a page with a link
when user clicks on link - user is taken to second screen
Second screen has two links : previous and next
In addition second screen has a text area and a submit Button
I tried using HttpSession to do session management - it worked fine .
When I login - validate and store the user object on session .
On all subsequent requests - check if the user is present in session .
If not present in session throw the user out - back to login screen
If user object found in session allow user to go ahead.
Now disabled any cookies to be set .
As a result - I am able to login and reach the first screen with the links .
Post login >> clicked on the URL - I am being thrown out of the application .
This piece is understood - since cookies have been disabled ( sessionCookie = jsessionid ..... perhaps )
To remedy this problem - used
response.encodeUrl() Now the URLS work fine
However when I submit the form ( POST ) I am losing the sesison again .
So question is - when you disable cookies - and you have URL's in app - use encodeUrl - but what about the form that opens up after you click on the URL - and submit the form ?
Do you need to store the sessionid in some hidden variable ?
Is the sessionid communicated to the server on its own ?
- so what should be done to remedy this problem ?
Any help would be appreciated .
Thanks ,
[ January 25, 2008: Message edited by: anagha patankar ]