I have a
servlet create 2 cookies, then perform a redirect to another URL (on another server) which needs these 2 cookies. My redirect works fine, but the application behind the other URL does not "see" these 2 cookies.
As a
test, I wrote 2 simple servlets. One servlet adds the cookies to the response and performs the redirect to a servlet on the same server. The servlet to which I redirect simply looks at all the cookies in the request. The servlet to which the redirect is performed does not find the 2 cookies the first servlet adds to the response. (snippets below)
Any ideas why the cookies cannot be added / retrieved? Any help appreciated.
JDK 1.5
apache-tomact 6.0.10
Code to add cookies:
Code to retrieve cookies from request--never finds the 2 added?
[ February 16, 2008: Message edited by: Bear Bibeault ]